We're here to help any time and part of that is making you look good. Outdoor events are fun to plan and if you're holding one in a tent chances are you've thought about what's going to cover the ground.If your event is on a perfectly flat, level surface that's covered in astoturf then stop reading! (This doesn't apply to you.) But if your event is anything like those we've been helping build you're going to want to keep reading.
Top 5 Tent Flooring #Protips from our team:
- Almost no surface is perfectly level. Don't take our word for it, go out to your event site with a level and look at the changes in elevation. City streets can curve as much as 9" from side to side, usually crowned in the middle. Parking lots are sometimes bulldozed level before they're poured, but most likely they will have variances as much as three inches in as a little as three feet.
- Tents over grass look amazing. Nothing looks as good as a beautiful clear span or pole tent set up in the middle of a grassy field. But tent floors on grass have their own unique problems, primarily that very little of the earth outside of the Salt Flats in Utah, and the Playa at Burning Man are flat. And if you don't want all those little creatures crawling up the legs of your attendees, we'd recommend an elevated floor solution!
- Stage deck-based tent floors don't need to be flat. They can incorporate stages, sunken dance floors and other elevated features that roll-out mats and interlocking plastic tiles can't.
- Flash floods in parking lots will ruin your event without an elevated floor. Parking lots are made to capture rain and channel it to drains located throughout the area. Since the entire surface of your tent is going to capture that rain and dump it on either side, it's going to run somewhere. Most likely, it's going to run right under the tent. Plastic roll-out mats are great for covering small areas in a kitchen, but if you're dealing with 1/2" of rain in five minutes? You're looking at thousands of gallons of water coursing through your event attendee's toes in the next three minutes.
- Elevated tent floors allow easy power, audio, video and data cable routing. Where do you need power? Easily route your cabling under the floor for access anywhere.
Got any other tips to help other planners out? Be sure to share them in the comments below.
Need a quote on an elevated tent floor for your next event?